Friday, September 16, 2005


Back online with Blogger

I'm back on line with plans to publish material here on vicopresscom. Mostly poems, with audio and video links, but also commentary about writing and reading.

Here is a recent poem.

Tears Katrina
by Henry Burt Stevens

Written by Henry Burt Stevens 5:26 PM EDT August 28, 2005, about 24 hours before Katrina made landfall. Henry with family, sheltered, rode out the eye of Charley HurricaneCatagory 4 August 13, 2004 Charlotte County, Florida, USA

Tears tonight for those
in Katrina's way
waiting for the crumpled
roofs and walls

water entering every
opening no matter
how small or partially closed
wetting totally total contents

the wind will make noises
few people have heard-
it's unforgettable, but
brings tears to my eyes

even now knowing what
awaits you in the night
when huddled with flashlight
you hear the wind rise

then fall dead calm, rises again
the wind sound now mixed
with thuds. snaps, crashes
of broken debris now airborne

sometime the all clear will sound
it's over and each wil
lfind what's left of what
they had besides tears, tears.

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